Third Series Number 1 (Fall 1999)

Pacific World Journal Back Issues

Third Series Number 1
Fall 1999

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Special Issue on the 500th anniversary of Rennyo Shonin’s Death

Editorial Note [ download ]

On Rennyo Shonin:

  • Rennyo: His Historical Significance and Contemporary Relevance by Alfred BLOOM [ download ]
  • Rennyo’s Letter on Kengyoku-ni introduced and translated by David MATSUMOTO [ download ]
  • The Idea of Impermanence in Rennyo’s Letters by Tomoyasu HAYASHI [ download ]
  • The Idea of Tamashii in Buddhism: What is the “Self”? by Akira OMINE [ download ]
  • Rennyo and His Daughter, Kengyoku by Jitsuen KAKEHASHI [ download ]

Articles and Trnaslations:

  • Shan-tao’s Exposition of the Method of Contemplation on Amida Buddha, Part 1 translated by Hisao INAGAKI [ download ]
  • Pure Land Buddhism in China: A Doctrinal History, Author’s Preface and Chapter One: A General Survey by Shinko MOCHIZUKI translated by Leo M. PRUDEN [ download ]

Book Reviews: [ download complete reviews ]

  • Sexuality and Paradox: A Panel Review of Bernard Faure’s The Red Thread: Buddhist Approaches to Sexuality
  • The Absence of Models for Female Buddhists by Jennifer DUMPERT
  • Context and Perspective by Bruce WILLIAMS
  • The Red Thread: Conceptualizing Buddhist Sexuality Across Time and Place by Greg PETROPOULOS
  • Buddhist Sexualities: Discipline and Transgression by John M. THOMPSON
  • Methodological Reflections on Bernard Faure’s The Red Thread by Joseph THOMETZ
  • Lopez, Donald S., Jr., Elaborations on Emptiness: Uses of the Heart Sutra by Kristin J. SUTTON

Notes and News: [ download complete news ]

  • IBS Programs and Activities 1998-1999
  • BDK English Tripitaka: A Progress Report