Series 4: anonymous peer reviewed, available for free download, and online only

The Editorial Committee of the Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce the beginning of a new, fourth series, starting in 2020. The initiation of series four highlights the culmination of significant changes to the journal.

First, all articles will be anonymously peer reviewed by two reviewers, one from the Editorial Committee and one from the Editorial Advisory Board. Second, in keeping with the wishes of its founder, Yehan Numata, Pacific World has always been available free of charge—and, with the generous support of BDK/America, we are able to offer all essays for free download, including archived material. And third, the journal is now being published only online.

Sincerely yours, the Editorial Committee

Natalie Fisk Quli, Chair
Paula K. Arai
Thomas Calobrisi
Nancy G. Lin
Scott A. Mitchell
Takashi Miyaji