New Series Number 4 (Fall 1988)

Pacific World Journal

New Series Number 4
Fall 1988

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  • Philosophy, Logic and Suffering: Another Perspective on Madhyamika, by Jeffrey R. Timm [ download]
  • Firmly Rooted: On Fudo Myoo’s Origins, by Richard K. Payne [ download ]
  • Shinran’s Religious Thought and Christian Mysticism, by Donald W. Mitchell [ download ]
  • Luther and Shinran on Fides Sola: A Textual Study, by Jean Higgins [ download ]
  • Bruno Petzold’s Understanding of Shin Buddhism as Experienced in His Major Work, by Shobei Ichimura [ download ]


  • Shinran and Human Dignity: Opening an Historic Horizon, by Kenko Futaba translated by Keruyu T. Tsuji [ download ]
  • Confucian and Buddhist Values in Modern Context, by Alfred Bloom [ download ]
  • The Four Noble Truths: A Scientific Perspective, by Clarence Hisatsune [ download ]
  • The Lay Zen Buddhist Sangha in the West, by Robert Aitken [ download ]
  • The Growth of Korean Buddhism in the United States, With Special Reference to Southern California, by Eiu-Young Yu [ download ]


  • Download all reviews
  • No Abode: The Record of Ippen, by Dennis Hirota reveiwed by Gerald Sakamoto
  • Setsuwa and Buddhist Homiletics, by Richard K. Payne
  • The Anantamukhanirhara-dharani Sutra and Jñanagarbha’s Commentary and the Tibetan Text, by Hisao Inagaki, reviewed by Richard K. Payne
  • Thus Have I Heard, by Maurice Walshe reviewed by Madawala Seelawimala