Pacific World: Third Series Number 20 (2018)

Pacific World: Third Series, Number 20 (2018)

(previous version of complete issue download was not correct, download corrected complete issue here)

Table of Contents (download pdf)

The Process of Establishing and Justifying the Thirteen Patriarchs of the Lotus School
Chen Chienhuang 陳劍鍠, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Charles B. Jones, trans., Catholic University of America (download pdf)

Special Section: Recent Research on Tantric Buddhism

Richard K. Payne (download pdf)

Study of Buddhist Tantra: An Impressionistic Overview
Richard K. Payne, Institute of Buddhist Studies (download pdf)

Wish-Fulfilling Spells and Talismans, Efficacious Resonance, and Trilingual Spell Books: The Mahāpratisarā–Dhāraṇī in Chosŏn Buddhism
Richard D. McBride, II, Brigham Young University (download pdf)

Replanting the Bodhi Tree: Buddhist Sectarianism and Zhenyan Revivalism
Cody Bahir, University of California, Berkeley (download pdf)

The Rule of Marginality: Hypothesizing the Transmission of the Mengshan Rite for Feeding Hungry Ghosts in Late Imperial China
Jiang Wu, University of Arizona (download pdf)

Stūpa to Maṇḍala: Tracing a Buddhist Architectural Development from Kesariya to Borobudur to Tabo
Swati Chemburkar, Jnanapravaha, Mumbai (download pdf)

The Transmission of the Grahamātṛkādhāraṇī and
Other Buddhist Planetary Astral Texts
Bill M. Mak, Kyoto University (download pdf)

A Preliminary Study and Provisional Translation of
the Saṅ Hyaṅ Kamahāyānikan
Hudaya Kandahjaya, BDK America (download pdf)

Special Section: Bernard Faure’s Gods of Medieval Japan

The Tantricization of Gods and Deities in Medieval Japan:
Bernard Faure’s The Fluid Pantheon and Protectors and Predators
Richard K. Payne, Institute of Buddhist Studies (download pdf)

The Medusa, the Centaur, and the Dragon-Goddess:
An Indirect Look at Benzaiten
Kristin Johnston Largen, Lutheran Theological Seminary Gettysburg (download pdf)

Neither Two nor One: Identity and Fluidity in Medieval Japan
Aaron Proffitt, University at Albany, State University of New York (download pdf)

Giving the Gods Their Due
Charles D. Orzech, Colby College (download pdf)

Gods and Demons at the Intersection of Religion and Art History
Pamela D. Winfield, Elon University (download pdf)


Da jingtu sishiba wen 答淨土四十八問 (Answers to Forty-Eight
Questions about Pure Land) by Yunqi Zhuhong 雲棲袾宏, 1535–1615
Charles B. Jones, trans., Catholic University of America (download pdf)

Special Section: Shinkō Mochizuki’s Pure Land Buddhism in China

Introduction to the Special Section on Shinkō Mochizuki’s
Pure Land Buddhism in China: A Doctrinal History
Natalie Fisk Quli, Institute of Buddhist Studies (download pdf)

Reflections on Shinkō Mochizuki’s Pure Land Buddhism in China:
A Doctrinal History
Scott A. Mitchell, Institute of Buddhist Studies (download pdf)

A Brief Reflection on Mochizuki Shinkō’s Pure Land Buddhism in China:
A Doctrinal History
Charles B. Jones, Catholic University of America (download pdf)